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overexposed areas and artefacts

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  • overexposed areas and artefacts

    hi, i face a view problems in my actual rendering.
    1.) i get too bright areas in shaded regions where the windows hit the walls.
    i only can get rid of that by using override materials for the walls and the windows with quite dark gi material (rgb 40/40/40).
    by using brighter gi materials the overexposed areas return.
    but with the dark gi material i of course get very dark shaded areas...what i want to avoid.

    is there a way to exclude an object(walls) to send gi to another object(windows)?

    2.) the artefacts i solved by rerendering with lower settings - see the image below. can someone declare me why i get rid of the artefacts by lowering the settings?

  • #2
    For the artifacts, they are caused by the sun; if you make it "invisible" they should go away.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      hi vlado, tried that at first. but with the higher settings the artefacts stay, also when the sun is invisible. they only dissappear largely when i render with the lower settings.
      what can i do about the bright areas on walls and windows?


      • #4
        I'm not quite sure; it would help if you can send us the problem part of the scene to

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

