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Red and green BIG dots!

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  • Red and green BIG dots!

    Hey everyone, here we go again, i am just mystify with this one, I ve seen this in the past and for different reason, Raytrace mat, standard mat, missing uvws, opacity map, rpc, clamp output, sub sampling, visible sun and what else not sure if im missing one! I have been searching and reading a lot on vray, we just got our hand on the vray the complete guide by Francesco Legrenzi, wich by the way is a must, really nice book. I had a couple of probleme rendering this particular scene, first i had a lot of blotchiness, figured out it was part of my Irr map, so i raise up the setting of the Irr map a lot went from usual setting of min-3 max-1 H.Subd 60 Int samples 40 up to 120-60, LC at 1000 up to 2000 with Inter. samples to 20. Actually i ve tested different approach different value of the sampling and using or not the pre-filter with different value without really any increase of quality of my GI, now im getting there as for GI quality but at the expense of huge render time, any thing i can do to speed up a little but having still some quality( This scene is for animation at the end), seems like vray have a harder time to sample curves surface as you can see in my pic identify with the blotchiness, the other part of my scene, where there is more flat surface like the galley doesnt have this kind of problem, Second the red and green dots Like i mentionned i went through trouble shooting about this, All vray mat, sun invisible, try different combinations of sub-pixel mapping on and off and clamp output on and off, did nt make any difference still got the red and green dots, evene more then the dots you can see in one of the pics that the green dots is actually affecting the GI, Any help would be greatly appreciated, Heres the pics and my settings.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    some bloody kid in the back of the plane with a laser pointer. no big thing

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      Lol!!! Or maybe easter egg!?


      • #4
        What are your irradiance map and GI settings? Some of the issues look like either doubled faces, or too low irradiance map settings. For the color spots, if you are using a VRaySun light, make sure it is set to "Invisible".

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Oops forgot to show the Irr setting, here it is in attachement, like i said previously, i went from usual setting of -3,-1 60-40 up to 120-40, better Gi as shown in pics above, Vray sun is set to "invisible", Ill check on the double faces issues as im not quite sure because some of the 3d data comes from Catia, could it be a normal faces issue?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            quickly went back to check on my geometry, mainly the seat where the dots appear, no double faces, i dont think its a material issue either because its all vray mat and in the pic you can see at least 3 different material affected by the dots.


            • #7
              Im still searching for the bug! Arghh can't put my finger on! My sun is set to invisible but i have the wings of the plane outside wich is white and glossy, could it be light reflection coming from the wings? Going to test it. Any ideas anyone?


              • #8
                Ok nevermind think i found it!! As i was asking my last question about the wings....remember about the green and redlight at the tips of the wings, it was a mesh with a vray light material!!! doh!! Rendering to see if it is really that! Ill post some images later in the images section! thx vlado for at least answering to my post!

                Best regards


                • #9
                  Regarding the sampling of the gi referring to my second image up there, i went up to 100 and 120 and i still have some blotchiness but only in some pic at some angle , mainly on the bin wich is a curved surface, now im not sure if i should go ahead and raise again my subd. of the Irr map, rais Subd. of the LC and maybe use pre-filter, or maybe use the Detail enhancement, I will still do some test on my side, try to figure it out, but whats your thoughts?

                  Best regards


                  • #10
                    Just a shot in the dark, but sometimes in my renders, some of the machines in the farm fails to load texture maps. (Often due to memory issues.) When that happens, instead of a textured surface, I get a bright green or purple color.
                    Seing the reflected light in the frist image, you got LOTS of green color bleed, and it looks like as you're having an issue with a map on the wall in front of the seat.

                    Since the colors that are rendered are 0,255,0, colored blotches like the ones you see aswell can appear, if the rays are bounced in an unfortunate way.

                    I'd do a render with an override material or with maps disabled to see if the problem persists.


                    • #11
                      Thx for you reply, but its not a map or uvw problem, i found it like mentionned above, i had light at the tip of the wings, one side red the other side green, it was a mesh with a vray light mat with a high level on them cuz when rendering the outside of the plane i had to really raise the intensity of the vray light mat to be able to see it, because the sidze of the plane i only had 2-3 pixels for those light, did the rest of the trick in comp to amplified the effect with a starglow and a glow, it was important for the client to see this feature. Now coming back to my interior i had merged my wings to see throught the windows and completely forgot about thoses little light, still its kind of weird the impact they had on the gi i the interior considering they were outside and pretty far away and only had those little windows for the rays to get in, somehow they got in and i had forgot about them! My mistake! thx anyway.


