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Does someone have the correct WF for DR in BB :)

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  • Does someone have the correct WF for DR in BB :)


    I'm unable to DR when sending it to Backburner… It’s working on my
    workstation then sending it to BB, it’s start but no help from
    checked slaves..???

    I found a post on Chaos forum (from Giraffe..)about that I want to know if it’s still
    valide please:

    A) If the machine which picks the backburner task has a full Vray
    license, it will use all the DR servers available. Some can be added
    in midrender too...great!

    B) If the machine which picks the backburner task has a render slave
    vray installation, it starts rendering on its own and never will be
    helped by other computers. These will be just sitting idle. Which
    makes all DR for single frames pretty useless, since no render node
    will have a full license.

    In my point of view DR is useless if I need to send it to BB and the
    machine that need to start the frame need the full VRay version
    installed???? What is I have 5 hires still to start in DR at the same time?

    The best solution for us will be to be able to submit any hires still
    to Backburner and have a group of slaves helping to get the job done
    quicly and don't need to pay a full license for every node in the farm...

    I really need your help in fixing this please.

    OZRAY, 2009.

  • #2
    Couldn't you just click the "Initially Suspended" checkbox so that the jobs don;t start right away...then send all your jobs and un-pause them in the backburner monitor.
    -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


    • #3
      you can set dependencies, so that job2 only starts when job1 is finished, etc.

      but in my experience, DR with backburner isn't working reliably.

      the jobs end up being rendered by the local server only. sometimes it works for a while, then the DR nodes drop out, etc.

      note that DR is working perfectly for me otherwise, with non-backburner rendering.
      Marc Lorenz
      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


      • #4
        I use DR with BB all the time and it works quite well mostly. Use one machine as your BB server and send all jobs to it, and render them one at a time from there. For all other nodes make sure the DR spawner is running. You have to ensure that the DR server list on the *BB server* machine includes all your other other nodes, and then it should work fine. I believe there is a .ini file somewhere you can edit, but I just fired up Max and set the list of DR nodes manually on the BB server machine.

        The SP3 feature to automatically restart DR nodes after every render has eliminated almost all the glitches I have had, but occasionally if I run too many short consecutive renders I have to manually restart the DR spawner on one or two machines.

        If you feel you have to run multiple DR renders at the same time then I suspect you will need to setup several BB servers, and have each one accessing only a part of your DR nodes available. From my testing and advice on the forum this is not the way to go. You are likely better off to have your full DR farm working on each image in turn. YMMV.

        Brett Simms


        • #5
          Ok thanks for the tips but what have been mentioned in another post if the the machine that start (server) need to have a full vray license and not only a slave license. Is this right cause right now if I send a DR job to a node with 5 other nodes checked in the DR dialogue then no one helping the first machine. But I can see that it is correctly started as DR cause if I log to the machine I saw the name of the machine in the bucket...
          So the real question is that if we need one node acting as the starter of all DR job and that node have a full VRay license installed to it?

          OZRAY, 2009.


          • #6
            I guess Vlado will have to chime in on this, but you do not need a license on that machine, it just needs to access your license server. If it will render on it's own (without the other DR nodes) then I would not think it is a license issue.

            My workstation is my Vray license server, and I have one other machine as the BB server and it will run DR renders using all available nodes without any problems.

            If your other nodes will join a DR render that is started from your workstation, but not from the BB server, then I still think you need to check the DR server list on the BB server machine. If all your nodes show up there then I have no other ideas.

            Brett Simms


