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Animation problem - precalculated IRRmap+LC causes slowdown

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  • Animation problem - precalculated IRRmap+LC causes slowdown

    Hi all!
    My first post here, so I want to show a problem I bumped into during rendering animation of attached building.

    The problem occured when rendering fly-around animation of main glass facade.
    Camera moved near it so the facade fills almost whole picture (other sequences where the glass was only small part of the image had no problem).

    Rendering of 1 frame preview in HD resolution with NO precomputed lightmaps and low GI settings took around 20 minutes.

    Rendering of 1 frame with precomputed IRR map (medium) and LC (1500) took around 4-5 hours !!!

    After many tests and experiments I found the problem being 'alpha contribution' parameter in Vray Properties set to 0,4 ( I wanted to composite background sky behind the glass). After setting this parameter = 1.0 rendertimes went back to normal.
    However I had no time for additional tests so I used NO precomputed lightmaps and IRR map set to Medium-animation preset and LC set to 1500 and 1 frame rendered around 40 minutes, which I think is acceptable.

    If you ever had this kind of problem and your render times went insanely UP after precomputing lightmaps fo animation this can be the solution.
    It is kind of specific problem causing large glass areas near the camera render slow like hell.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thanks for the pointer; I've logged this and we'll be looking into it.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3

      I want to thank you cause you care about customer stories and problems.
      This forum is a great 'think tank' of a sort and source of inspiration!
      And you people at Chaos Group gave the word 'customer support' a whole new meaning in my eyes!


