The rounded edges effect with the VRayEdgeTex map doesn't work with the VRayFastSSS2 material, the edges are always sharp.
Best seen with the "Marble (white)" preset, but it doesn't work with any setting.
I just noticed it, and need it right now badly.
It looks like only the reflections are working, but the diffuse and SSS are not seeing the edge bump.
I think if the diffuse component would work, the lack of round edge in SSS wouldn't be noticed.
I will now use the SSS in the normal VRayMat instead as a workaround, but the SSS2 makes really beautiful SSS and I am missing it for now.
Best seen with the "Marble (white)" preset, but it doesn't work with any setting.
I just noticed it, and need it right now badly.
It looks like only the reflections are working, but the diffuse and SSS are not seeing the edge bump.
I think if the diffuse component would work, the lack of round edge in SSS wouldn't be noticed.
I will now use the SSS in the normal VRayMat instead as a workaround, but the SSS2 makes really beautiful SSS and I am missing it for now.