Something new for a change.. This is a computer that i've never got to work with DR. I tried with 2009, and now while he's away i'm trying again with 2010. It doesn't have Autocad - there are no signs of the Communications Center conflicts that I had with another machine. All I get is the "actively refused it." error. There is nothing in either of the VRay logs, or the Max.log to indicate that it's even received a connection from my computer asking it to render, yet there is the successfully started VRaySpawner.
The computer is the same spec as the other office computers, and it has Mcafee on it but the settings are the same as the others and I can ping and access the computer's shared drives.
The computer is the same spec as the other office computers, and it has Mcafee on it but the settings are the same as the others and I can ping and access the computer's shared drives.