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Vray Proxy - Grass - Working on better max free based look.

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  • Vray Proxy - Grass - Working on better max free based look.


    From few days I'm playing with proxy to get some good looking grass.

    What I got so far is few free plug-ins that gave me huge control over textures.
    Basically :
    UNIQUE MATERIAL ID and MULTI TEXTURE MAP, 1x1m grass, few thousand grass models, each different ID, and different diffuse sat. Great, fast control.

    Now that I got different grass I wanted to get some overall control over texture. Like Forest Pack Pro tint tool. So I did experiment with UVW Map Modifier, to create UVW over my grass. I set it to 50 id or something like that and use MTLblend. Alpha map was set to 50 so I would have control over entire proxy model with 1 map... Huh hard to explain ill up scene if u wont get it. Then 2 materials and I'm done. But I cant do it since UVW will kill my Proxy and make them square.

    I also try without it with just noise map in blend alpha channel but still fail.

    Any1 got any idea how els I could do it?, I.m running out of options.

    Another problem is heighmap. Well its kinda 50/50. I used advance painter script, with scale 0.6/1.3 so that everything is mixed. Its working in a way but maybe some1 got better idea. I also try to add Noise modifier over proxy but its just flattening it, and make them boxy. :/

    So so far so good, any1 got any ideas how els I could do it?

    eee wrong section, should be in general I guess... sry :/
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