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How to make reflection change with distance ?

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  • How to make reflection change with distance ?


    As showned in my linked image, i would like to make the reflection disappear with the distance. I've got a ground and an object, my goal is set a reflection when the object is close to my ground and make reflection vanish when the object is far.
    I've found the 'distance blend' in the faloff map wich might be the solution... but it's not because it is the opposite of my goal. But maybe it's in this direction i need to search... maybe not. Who can tell me ?

    Sorry, maybe it's not a typical vray question but i use to be able to this with the default scanline render or with mental ray... but i did not find the way with vray !!

    Anyone can help me ?

    Thanks !
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The easiest answer (besides doing it in post) is changing the IOR value of the ground (reflective) object. If you lower it, only the most instanced angles will reflect like you want. Or of course create a simple falloff map yourself with the values edited in. Hope this helps.
    Colin Senner

