1- The paint canvas tool does not work with vray material. It is like the tool can't allow us to choose the map we want to paint. As a workaround I can just create a temporary standard mat with the map I wan tot paint.
2- If I try to copy a vrayLightMtl with an opacity map, the opacity map does not follow in the copy (the diffuse map does follow though).
3-The material slot editor reset and condense material do not work (they do not work with scanline either). I get a maxscript error "can't assign undefined).
Other bugs they probably are not vray related but I thought I will publish them here anyway just in case.
4-I often get a ribbon error on startup, max ask for reseting the ribbon to default. (It started doign it when I put the ribbon vertically)
5-viewport canvas does not work with Linear WorkFlow. When I enter the paint mode my texture becomes washed out and it's very difficult to paint and guess the final result which becomes very darker.
6- A small one: The render to surface map Occlusion gives me the wrong title in the title bar of the render window (it gives Subsurface map).
2- If I try to copy a vrayLightMtl with an opacity map, the opacity map does not follow in the copy (the diffuse map does follow though).
3-The material slot editor reset and condense material do not work (they do not work with scanline either). I get a maxscript error "can't assign undefined).
Other bugs they probably are not vray related but I thought I will publish them here anyway just in case.
4-I often get a ribbon error on startup, max ask for reseting the ribbon to default. (It started doign it when I put the ribbon vertically)
5-viewport canvas does not work with Linear WorkFlow. When I enter the paint mode my texture becomes washed out and it's very difficult to paint and guess the final result which becomes very darker.
6- A small one: The render to surface map Occlusion gives me the wrong title in the title bar of the render window (it gives Subsurface map).