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Some vray sp5 max2011 bugs...

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  • Some vray sp5 max2011 bugs...

    1- The paint canvas tool does not work with vray material. It is like the tool can't allow us to choose the map we want to paint. As a workaround I can just create a temporary standard mat with the map I wan tot paint.

    2- If I try to copy a vrayLightMtl with an opacity map, the opacity map does not follow in the copy (the diffuse map does follow though).

    3-The material slot editor reset and condense material do not work (they do not work with scanline either). I get a maxscript error "can't assign undefined).

    Other bugs they probably are not vray related but I thought I will publish them here anyway just in case.

    4-I often get a ribbon error on startup, max ask for reseting the ribbon to default. (It started doign it when I put the ribbon vertically)

    5-viewport canvas does not work with Linear WorkFlow. When I enter the paint mode my texture becomes washed out and it's very difficult to paint and guess the final result which becomes very darker.

    6- A small one: The render to surface map Occlusion gives me the wrong title in the title bar of the render window (it gives Subsurface map).


    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
    Little Antman
    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

  • #2
    Rendering a picture with VRay Frame Buffer already set to anaglyph crashes max for me. (design 2010 x64)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shimakaze View Post
      Rendering a picture with VRay Frame Buffer already set to anaglyph crashes max for me. (design 2010 x64)
      Yes, I already fixed that, the patch will be there on Monday.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Fix for #3:

        Start 3dsmax
        run following script (default .max copied with this default UI is corrupt i think..):

        a = materialLibrary ()
        for m in meditMaterials do append a m
        saveTempMaterialLibrary a "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max Design 2011/Defaults/MAX.vray/FactoryDefaults/medit.mat"
        Last edited by pixelstudio; 17-06-2010, 04:46 AM.
        My Homepage :


        • #5
          This isnĀ“t vray related but...
          The snaps seems to disappear sometimes when I disable axis dysplay, very anoying.


          • #6
            Issue #3 really bothers me, I see the fix above, but doesn't this fix just make the Materials reset with Standard Materials? Right now I have max set to reset to VRay Materials, I hope this keeps the vray material reset preset.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jstrob View Post
              2- If I try to copy a vrayLightMtl with an opacity map, the opacity map does not follow in the copy (the diffuse map does follow though).
              This happens in Max 2010 64bit also, Vray sp5
              Jordan Walsh
              Senior FX artist

              Showreel 2010 (new)
              Check out my scripts at Script Spot!

