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Licensing problems with 1.50sp5

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  • Licensing problems with 1.50sp5

    After installing 1.50sp5 on Max Design 2011 and starting "Launch V-ray License Server" command I an receiving the following error messages :
    -error WK1117 - WIBUKEY.SYS is not installed
    -could not initialize license server. Please check that your dongle is attached

    Previous version of v-ray installed on Max Design 2010 worked perfect.

    Any ideas ?

  • #2
    Did you install the Wibu drivers? Is your dongle actually plugged in? Does it appear in the list of USB devices in the Windows Device Manager?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yes drivers are installed, dongle plugged in, in Device Manages it is WIBU-BOX/RU
      Maybe I should uninstall and install them again.
      Before I tried to move to 1.50sp5 it worked with previous version of v-ray and max design 2010


      • #4
        Ok then; which operating system do you have? We updated the version of the dongle drivers that come with the installation, which might be the problem. One thing to try is to install the previous drivers.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          We have two dongles with 2 times vray license and one vrayrt license.
          Both worked perfect on our win 7 64bit 3dsmax 2011 with 1.5 SP4a.

          But now, after updating to SP5, we are not able to get a license anymore.
          Even uninstalling SP5 and reinstalling SP4 with old wibu drivers doesn´t work.

          The old WIBU driver recognizes the dongle, but couldn´t obtain a license.
          The new WIBU driver does NOT recognize the dongle, (Windows does) and couldn´t obtain a license (10061).

          Can you please give advice on what to do ?
          We´are on a project, and need vray.

          check my site


          • #6
            solved !

            completely uninstalling vray and wibukey and reinstalling solved the problem...
            check my site


            • #7
              Ok, good to know it is solved.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                hi all,

                I'm having the same problem. I've completely uninstalled VRay and the WibuKey drivers and reinstalled them and still no joy. When I try to launch the VRay license server I get the error "Could not initialize license server. Please check that your dongle is attached." It certainly is attached and appears to be working okay - I don't really know what I'm looking at in the WIBU-KEY control panel (nor do I particularly have any desire to learn).

                I'm using 3dsmax 2009 with VRay 1.5 SP5 on Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit.

                SP5 worked okay on 3dsmax 2010 and 2011 but I've had to revert back to an earlier version because 2010 and 2011 refuse to install on my 2nd computer. Also, SP3 worked okay with 3dsmax 2009.

                Any help greatly appreciated,

                thanks all



                • #9
                  Oh my, what a plum. My dongle wasn't plugged in at all! I just walked into the office and noticed it lying on the floor. *ahem*. Sorry peeps, pilot error. I accidentally appear to be an idiot...

