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Convert Muitlichannel EXR into Single Channel EXR ?

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  • Convert Muitlichannel EXR into Single Channel EXR ?

    Did somebody know a tool witch can save the elements of a multichannel exr generated by the vrimg2exr.exe into single channel exrs ?

  • #2

    Haven't bought it yet but will be soon as it is inexpensive & is perfect for exactly this situation.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      If you render to .vrimg files, then you can use the vrimg2exr program that comes with V-Ray; it allows you to extract any of the channels into single-channel OpenEXR files.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        thanks for the replys.

        @3DMK: i will recheck this but what i've seen until now is that the proexr plugin is somewhat buggy and crashes easily when i wanna open huge exr files (300MB).

        @vlado: thats the problem the vrimg2exr programm doesn't support the VrayMtlSelect Element ?

        I have 7 channels and the vrimg2exr programm just converts a alpha and color exr. The 5 Vraymtlselect elements won't be converted. This is one error i get: Specified channel name "MultiMatteElement5" not found or channel is not a RGB Channel in File "....." Use the -info option to list the available channels in this file.
        Last edited by chew; 30-06-2010, 01:31 AM.


        • #5
          This is the rendering i wanna open in Photoshop with the openexr plugin. Photoshop crashes instantly. In 3dsmax 2011 i can view the openexr information in renderer-> view image file.

          But the info tab looks different to the one printed in the vray guide.

          Is there another tool with which i can check how many elements are in the .exr ?

          EDIT: ahhh the channel infos are now located under setup

          And there is actually no tool or plugin which can convert the channels of multichannel exrs into single channel exrs ?
          Last edited by chew; 30-06-2010, 02:09 AM.


          • #6
            Did you try using the -info switch to debug ? And can you maybe provide a sample EXR for inspection ?


            • #7

              This is the file with the VrayMtlSelect Elements.

              I've tested Shiamakze's vrimg2exr batch conversion tool v0.6 and the standard vrimg2exr.exe v1.4.9 from apr 21 2010.
              Last edited by chew; 30-06-2010, 03:24 AM.


              • #8
                I dont know what command you ran in the second image. Extracting the elements works fine for me tho. You have spaces in one of the mtlselects tho. In this case you need to wrap it in quotes. For example:

                vrimg2exr.exe shot05_0000.vrimg -channel "VRayMtlSelect_disco neon v2"
                Running this command extracts the channel just fine for me.



                • #9
                  yeah this works, thx!


                  • #10
                    For the record: Batch exporting can be done via wildcards in the filename (e.g. shot05_*.vrimg)

