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DR in 3dsmax2010 - UNC path not working?

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  • DR in 3dsmax2010 - UNC path not working?


    Need help pls.

    Trying to set up DR in 3dsmax2010, sp5, in a simple scene first to test it out but im having problems getting the slaves to render 1 single texture - in this case an EXR file.
    slave arent loading any textures when rendering

    Read some topics in this forum about this and tried to solve the problem by setting up UNC paths.

    I believe im doing it correctly in the texture slot in the asset tracking manager, but once i render the image it shows slave problems exactly where the EXR should suppose to appear.

    Img attached.

    Thanks in advance.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by CA Portugal; 27-07-2010, 12:14 PM.
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  • #2
    Anyone? Pls :/
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    • #3
      try saving your exr as a jpg and see if the dr slave sees it then. If it still doesn't work, use a standard bitmap that comes with max. If that still doesn't work. See if the slave render's anything at all by just putting an override mat without any texture. If that works then get your it guy to check your paths and permissions.
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        Have you configured the User Paths for External Files on the slaves?


        • #5
          Thkx DVP3D ill try that as soon as i get home.

          Originally posted by rmejia View Post
          Have you configured the User Paths for External Files on the slaves?
          Im not sure. Where should i configure the user paths? Could you explain me pls?
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          • #6
            In Max, on the top in the Menu's look for "Customize" then go to "Configure User Paths..." then in that window open the second tab "External Files", click on the "Add..." button on the right and look for the shared network folder where your maps are stored "\\Workstation\DOCUMENTOS METROCUBICODIGITAL" and add that folder and any other folder to the list of External Files.


            • #7

              Thank you for your patiente and know-how rmeija.

              Ive done what you and DVP3D told but even if i try many different paths/ approachs, different textures etc... when rendering only the main computer can read the textures well, but the other slaves cant read any map.
              If im using only vray sky, no textures all goes well.

              Ive checked the permissions to the paths and slaves and they have full permission, can read and write files. Ive tried some tests with dif account logins and i allways get stuck in the end - textures not reading in slaves.

              Main computer is connected to all slaves well.

              I can see all computers in backburner client´s list.

              Also in the distributed rendering. IPs appear well.

              Evrything seems to be working except the textures deal. :/

              Im using 3dsmax sp5, windows 7 on the main computer.
              1 slave is also windows 7
              1 other is using xp64

              Attach another img with the vray message log after rendering with the other 2 slaves.

              Any ideas how can i solve this problem?

              Cheers and thnks for the help guys
              Attached Files
              Last edited by CA Portugal; 27-07-2010, 01:13 PM.
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              • #8
                On one of the slaves load up "Windows Explorer" or Internet Explorer and in the address bar type this:
                \\workstation\documentos metrocubicodigital\textures\mytexture.jpg
                replace the "mytexture.jpg" with any of the textures you are using
                now press enter.
                If you get some error then you have a permissions problem.
                If this works, then only thing I can think off is that your "Spawner" is running as a service and that service is set to use incorrect permissions. (you can set individual services to certain permissions)
                Last edited by Morne; 28-07-2010, 04:53 AM.
                Kind Regards,


                • #9
                  Try to turn off the User Account control. Had similar issues with win 7.
                  Hit "start" and type UAC into the box on the bottom. This brings up an option for user account control.
                  Turn down the slider to lowest possible position and see if this helps. (Do this on both machines)

                  Also make sure you have only one instance of vrayspawner running on slave machines.
                  Check this with the Task manager as a registered vrayspawner will not show up in your taskbar.


                  • #10
                    Maybe also try copying the textures folder to a slave to see if that works.


                    • #11
                      Man i want to thank you all for helping me out i finnally made DR work with 3dsmax 2010, windows7,

                      Evrything was ok except that i had two vray spawners runnning as DVP3D mentioned. One as SERVICE other as SlaveUser. I cancelled SERVICE and gave total permissions to SlaveUser´s vray spawner.

                      It worked for both Slaves one using XP64, other windows 7.

                      Thank you once again.

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