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Global illumination shadows on a matte

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  • Global illumination shadows on a matte

    Is it possible that shadows of objects created by global illumination is not correct on matte materials?

    If I make a simple test and create a plane on which is sitting a sphere and light the scene with environment light, the shadow looks quite different when I turn the matte property of the plane on/off...

    EDIT: I was testing this a bit and it seems it's the Irradiance map causing problem - specificaly the Detail Enhancement option. When I turn it off then the shadow on a non-matte plane is the same as when the plane is matte. Also when I change the GI engine to brute force it's okay. So is the Detail Enhancement algorithm ignoring a matte plane?
    Last edited by TheLooopCGI; 17-08-2010, 08:55 AM.
    David Slachta
    The Looop CGI
    Shanghai, China

  • #2
    Vlado could you please explain what is going on with this and if there is a possibility to have a fix or workaround?

    David Slachta
    The Looop CGI
    Shanghai, China


    • #3
      Hmm, nobody using mattes and global illumination these days eh?
      David Slachta
      The Looop CGI
      Shanghai, China


      • #4
        I don't think the detail enhancement will work well with matte objects; it would be better to either turn it off, or use brute force GI in that case.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

