So, I've started to experiment again with vray settings... got just off project so I have few hours for fun... Anyway I wanted to finally clear out my mid off that store with irradiance map in Lights...
The difference in render is that :
Without = 11 min
With = 3 min
Now the only known issue is that we are losing only specular... right?
So I got theory that I can get it back by simply doing blend material>and blur up the reflection simply... haven't tested yet but maybe it will do the trick...
However I did some goggling around and I've noticed a lot of more stuff however they kinda mixed up thing in my head and got lost lol...
Basically this topic > http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbulletin/showthread.php?48269-So-Vray-is-quot-SOOOO-FASSSSSTTT-quot-(and-not-too-grainy-btw)....-if&highlight=store+irradiance+map<
Where can I find ''use light cache for glossy rays'' ?? // Ignore found it already.
But then I found this topic http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...at+glossy+rays
And now I'm completely lost. Can any1 spare me few mins and tell me (no need to explain tbh) how to set up render so I can cut down render times from 11 min to 3 min ?
Below attachment
Left Rim = Store with irradiance map Off
Right Rim = On
Thanx for help !
So, I've started to experiment again with vray settings... got just off project so I have few hours for fun... Anyway I wanted to finally clear out my mid off that store with irradiance map in Lights...
The difference in render is that :
Without = 11 min
With = 3 min
Now the only known issue is that we are losing only specular... right?
So I got theory that I can get it back by simply doing blend material>and blur up the reflection simply... haven't tested yet but maybe it will do the trick...
However I did some goggling around and I've noticed a lot of more stuff however they kinda mixed up thing in my head and got lost lol...
Basically this topic > http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbulletin/showthread.php?48269-So-Vray-is-quot-SOOOO-FASSSSSTTT-quot-(and-not-too-grainy-btw)....-if&highlight=store+irradiance+map<
Where can I find ''use light cache for glossy rays'' ?? // Ignore found it already.
But then I found this topic http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...at+glossy+rays
And now I'm completely lost. Can any1 spare me few mins and tell me (no need to explain tbh) how to set up render so I can cut down render times from 11 min to 3 min ?
Below attachment
Left Rim = Store with irradiance map Off
Right Rim = On
Thanx for help !