I tried to set up a test to illustrate my problem, but now im even more confused. Basically i want to use the bias function to pull the dirt down towards the ground. But its giving me weird results. Right now, #3 looks good, but im confused by #2.
As you can see #4 has a large bias value (10) and is introducing color black. (BTW youre looking at a vraydiffuse channel, so where does black appear from?). #3 works fine with the bias value of 1, but #2 is producing errors and you can obviously read the segments.
Should i use bias values larger than 1?
What is wrong with #4?
Is there something wrong with #2 (why are you able to read the segments, while #3 has such a smooth transition)?
I want to be able to control this bias by pulling it as much as possible in the Z axis, so i thought, the larger the value, the larger the ratio is between Z