Hi there,
I have a light setup like this.
A ground plane and several vray lights. All the vray lights are set to "include" various objects.
The groundplane is lit by a simple white from the vray Environment Dialogue. No Vraylight Affects the groundplane.

In the rendering, the light sources seem to to cast shadows from the environment on the ground plane.
A pretty undesired effect. Anything that can be done about this in the short term, without ripping the scene
apart in various layers ?
I have a light setup like this.
A ground plane and several vray lights. All the vray lights are set to "include" various objects.
The groundplane is lit by a simple white from the vray Environment Dialogue. No Vraylight Affects the groundplane.

In the rendering, the light sources seem to to cast shadows from the environment on the ground plane.
A pretty undesired effect. Anything that can be done about this in the short term, without ripping the scene
apart in various layers ?
