Is it possible that the ammount of reflection thats in the RGB channel is also in the Alpha channel ?
At the moment, as much as you bring in the reflection as much the alpha of the object gets more intense. so at full reflectivness you will get a full opaque alpha. (see attachments A-C.jpg) BUT what you probably want is that only the reflections are shown in the alpha with its correcsponding Luminace value....
Is there a workaround or can you just add the "Affect Channels dropdown" in the Reflection Section as well..... please!
(see attachment wanted.jpg)
At the moment, as much as you bring in the reflection as much the alpha of the object gets more intense. so at full reflectivness you will get a full opaque alpha. (see attachments A-C.jpg) BUT what you probably want is that only the reflections are shown in the alpha with its correcsponding Luminace value....
Is there a workaround or can you just add the "Affect Channels dropdown" in the Reflection Section as well..... please!
