Hi there ,
i just received an email from chaosgroup that i can download vray 2.0 beta.
I allready installed it on a single workstation but i could not obtain a license (-191) since
ive not received the new .rtu file to update my dongel.
The context.wbc has been ahnded over to chaosgroup by my local reseller 3DPowerstore.
Please help , cant wait to use the beta
Best Regards
Björn Radler
i just received an email from chaosgroup that i can download vray 2.0 beta.
I allready installed it on a single workstation but i could not obtain a license (-191) since
ive not received the new .rtu file to update my dongel.
The context.wbc has been ahnded over to chaosgroup by my local reseller 3DPowerstore.
Please help , cant wait to use the beta

Best Regards
Björn Radler