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VrayDisplacement Max subdivs

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  • VrayDisplacement Max subdivs

    First time I see that : I have a 3d mapping Vraydisplacement as usual and when I want to raise max subdivs, i can't raise up to 512 ?!

    Edge lenght : 4 px / View-dependent / Tight bounds /keep continuity / Edge Thres : 0,05... etc etc
    I use a bitmap (png)

    What have I missed ?
    (Sorry for my bad english)

  • #2
    It would be better to subdivide your original geometry a bit, rather than raising the max. subdivs. Further on, they are only used for motion-blurred and subdivision displacement. For static 3d displacement, the max. subdivs are ignored and V-Ray will always subdivide until the specified edge length is reached.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      OK yes, It's the frist time I didn't try to subdivide my geometry thinking about the fact that would be ok if I raised the max. subdiv. First and last time I try that... I've learned something good today :]
      Thanks Vlado
      (Sorry for my bad english)

