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Failed to compile OpenCL kernels, falling back to CPU code

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  • Failed to compile OpenCL kernels, falling back to CPU code

    Every time I switch to GPU Mode in VRay RT2.0 it last 2-3 minutes to build OpenCL trace program and then crashes with the following error:

    Failed to compile OpenCL kernels, falling back to CPU code

    The scene is simple: 1 box, 2 teapots, daylight, one Vray material

    CPU mode runs without problems.

    Before I retried I deleted the *.clbin in %temp% directory with no effect.

    GPUs are 1 x GTX285 + 1 x GTX580, Nvidia Driver 263.09
    Windows 7, 64bit, 8 GB RAM, max 2010, hotfix 4

    Any tips or hints?


  • #2
    Does it work with older drivers? The latest ones we tested are 260.99; will try the 263 driver a bit later today.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      So, I reinstalled Nvidia driver 262.99 (there was no 260.99 available) and have the same error.

      Error CL_INVALID_BINARY (-42) at line 1013 , in file ./src/ !!!
      Failed to compile OpenCL kernels, falling back to CPU code

      What else can I do?


      edit: I have tried max2011 64 bit + 32 bit and received the same error.
      Last edited by BLADE; 09-12-2010, 04:39 AM. Reason: Adding the use of other max versions


      • #4
        Can you try deleting the *.clbin file in the temporary folder (type %temp% in Windows explorer to go there) and also disabling the 285 card? If that works, try enabling the 285 card again.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Vlado, I did what you told me. With only the GTX580 it is working. In combination with the GTX285 it crashes.

          I thought, VrayRT can use ANY OpenCL which is available?

          BTW, iRay is running like charme with absolute no problems in this configuration (GTX580 + GTX285). I just did another test.

          So 2 more questions arise:

          I was planing to buy a second GTX580 to replace the GTX285. Will this configuration run? I really need 2 graficboards because I am running a 3 screen configuration with 2 x 21" monitors (connected now to the GTX285) and a 30" monitor in the middle (connected now to the GTX580).

          In the next step, I was hoping to upgrade my renderslaves with cheap GTX460 2GB RAM for distributed rendering on GPUs. Is there ANY chance that something like this will run without problems?

          Thanks for helping.



          • #6
            Originally posted by BLADE View Post
            I thought, VrayRT can use ANY OpenCL which is available?
            Yes, it will do that; however in your case the cards are too different. V-Ray RT attempts to load the GPU code from the 580 card on the 295 card (the reason for this is to reduce the start up time), which fails. It can be made to work, of course, and we will look into it. There are no problems if the cards are identical, or of the same architecture (e.g. when both of them are Fermi cards).

            BTW, iRay is running like charme with absolute no problems in this configuration (GTX580 + GTX285). I just did another test.
            iRay does not use OpenCL, so no point to mention it.

            I was planing to buy a second GTX580 to replace the GTX285. Will this configuration run?
            Yep, it will be fine.

            In the next step, I was hoping to upgrade my renderslaves with cheap GTX460 2GB RAM for distributed rendering on GPUs. Is there ANY chance that something like this will run without problems?
            It will run fine, yes.

            Best regards,
            Last edited by vlado; 09-12-2010, 06:09 AM.
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Ok then, I just ordered a second GTX580 as a replacement for the GTX285. It will be delivered in 3-4 days.
              I will give a statement in these thread after installation and testing then.

              Thanks Vlado, for your support.

              Last edited by BLADE; 09-12-2010, 07:08 AM.


              • #8
                Problem solved with a second GTX580 as replacement

                Just want to say, that the problem is solved. Today I received my second GTX580. After replacing the GTX285 with it, everything worked. And its fast. Real FAST!



                • #9
                  Very well then

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

