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Problem: VrayEnvrionmentFog How it works ? Vray 1.5 sp5

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  • Problem: VrayEnvrionmentFog How it works ? Vray 1.5 sp5

    Hi guys,

    Last couple of days I played with VrayEnvironmentFog and I have a few question:

    - how make fog less density (now I have 1500cm so I think is high value) On vray spot I found: "Fog distance - controls the fog density. Larger values make the fog more transparent, while smaller values make it more dense. You can also control the density with a texture map." But how precisely have control and depend of values?

    -how control color of fog ? I want have a bit of blue but not too much( If is possible of course).

    - And last question (most important, how I can control fog distance, on example(Render_test.jpg) I made in photoshop but I`d like can do this in Vray ?

    In attachment present render with for, fog settings and proper effect.

    Thanks for any help,
    Attached Files
    3d architectural visuals:

  • #2
    Fog distance sets the point where the fog reach 100% density. You can't see any further.
    So in exterior scenes you could try something like 100-1500 meters.

    I don't have Max open now, but isn't there a color select box for fog color?
    Lasse Kilpia
    VFX Artist
    Post Control Helsinki


    • #3
      Hi Lars!

      Thanks for answer,
      Yes with color was problem bacause I not select scatter gi (that why my fog color was completely different than I sett)
      About density you got right, distance must be in meter like you said. What is in real world I suppose.

      3d architectural visuals:

