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Help!!! Vrayproxy and deformers questions

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  • Help!!! Vrayproxy and deformers questions


    i need to animate some trees. But i can't without crashes if my mesh isn't convert to a VrayMeshes.
    So, i create a VrayMesh and apply some taper, flex, spherify ...

    But when i render my tree, is it the preview mesh, the same as in the viewport .. not the HD full original mesh. Even if i setup the point cloud param to 0,0.

    If i turn of the modifiers, it's the full HD mesh on my render.

    Is there a way to apply deformer to VrayMeshes ??
    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
    freelance 3D artist

  • #2
    Once you convert a mesh to a proxy, you can't modify it any more. However, you can apply the animation to your original mesh, and then export an animated proxy object.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yes but i've convert to vraymeshes because my 3DSMAC crash when i create a key on my original mesh.

      I find a solution :
      I use import meshes from the vrayproxy modifier.
      And i animate this meshes. this way it's not crash. I don't know why ...

      So, could you add in future release or SP the possibility to import mesh WITH the materials ?
      Because my vrayproxy is with many materials and when i do " import meshes " it's loosing all materials .
      GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
      freelance 3D artist


      • #4
        Originally posted by ghiom3d View Post
        So, could you add in future release or SP the possibility to import mesh WITH the materials ?
        Because my vrayproxy is with many materials and when i do " import meshes " it's loosing all materials .
        Yes, I can add an option to apply the same material as the one that is currently applied on the proxy object.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Sweet !!
          Thanks you Vlado
          GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
          freelance 3D artist

