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Can't get fine control of VrayMtl reflection amount

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  • Can't get fine control of VrayMtl reflection amount

    It appears that a Reflect value nearing 0,0,0 does not allow for only a very slight amount of reflection like I'm wanting. The attached image pretty much sums it up.

    Simple scene. I have a cube being lit by 2 extruded planes. There is no other lighting in the scene.
    Indirect Illumination=On

    Extruded planes:
    Both planes have a VrayLightMtl applied--one green, one blue.

    The cube has a VrayMtl applied with a diffuse value of 15,15,15. Almost black.
    Setting the Reflect color to the values shown in the attached image, has the result as shown.

    What am I missing to allow for finer control of the reflection amount?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VrayMtl Reflection issue.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.3 KB
ID:	872552
    Last edited by avenger3d; 16-01-2011, 04:38 PM.

  • #2
    Make sure you also reduce the cut-off threshold in the Options section of the material. The default value will skip the calculation of very faint reflections.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hey Vlado,

      Thanks for the advice. It allowed me to reduce the reflection even more. I did think it strange that the reflection disappeared when setting the value at 2,2,2 or lower. Nice to know now how the Cutoff has an effect.

      However, it seems like a Reflect value of 1,1,1 should make the reflection barely perceivable, even almost invisible. How come this isn't the case?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	VrayMtl Reflection cutoff.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	50.7 KB
ID:	843729


      • #4
        Do you use any gamma correction? It will boost the colors additionally. In any case if you need to go below 1, just use a VRayColor texture to enter floating-point values.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Yes, I'm using gamma correction--trying to follow a linear workflow (see settings below). So yes, the rendered image does look brighter (gamma 2.2), but when saved I set it back to 1.0, which are the versions I uploaded above. I'll admit, I'm still trying to understand the linear workflow concept.

          I tried putting a VrayColor material in the Reflect map slot as you suggested, Vlado. It seemed to make changes to more than just the reflection though. So I figured out another solution... For the colored planes, under Vray object properties, I unchecked 'Visible to reflections'. Then I duplicated the planes, and for the duplicates, rechecked 'Visible to reflections', but unchecked 'Visible to GI'. Then I made a separate material for the duplicate planes that was less bright so I can use the duplicates as a reflection source only, and the original planes for GI only. It still seems like a Reflect value of 1,1,1 should allow for a barely perceptible reflection, but the solution I came up with gives me the result I want. It works for this simple scene at least--I can just imagine what a nightmare it would be to try to do something similar for a very complex scene.

          Thanks for your responses, Vlado. Much appreciated!

          My gamma settings:
          (under Customize>Preferences>Gamma and LUT)
          Enable Gamma/LUT Correction=checked
          Display: Gamma=2.2
          Materials and Colors: both settings checked
          Bitmap Files: Input Gamma=2.2, Output Gamma=1.0

