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Large polygon shaped shadows and light patterns

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  • Large polygon shaped shadows and light patterns

    I have a little problem, In these two scenes I'm getting random weird polygon shaped shadows and light patterns on the walls as you can see on the left of the wall here:

    and more obviously here:

    I've tried turning off all light sources in this 2nd shot and the shape still renders, its just less bright.

    Does this have something to do with the scale of the scene because I had to rescale the scene to suit the animated people, which messed with my textures and with my displacement mapping sizes... everything was massive -

    So this looks related... under sampling of the lights or something of this nature. I probably cant scale my scene back up to fix it, I'd rather just change whatever parameter needs changing with shadows or lights.

  • #2
    I think i've solved the problem.

    The lights were scaled up to a very large size, despite their icons being un changed in size their specifications showed they were very large.


    • #3
      Can you give us some more details on this? I am getting some weird dark areas too and my scene IS massive. I don't have the option of scaling it down, so I need to deal with it the size that it is.


      • #4
        My problem was that i had to rescale the entire scene to suit some animated people, it was just easier to do it this way rather than dealing with bipeds and skins and bones being scaled.

        As a result of this, my vray displacement mod did not get scaled, and so was now massive compared to the scene, So I had to find all my displacements and size them down 100x to suit.

        Also my light objects were massive although i could not tell on initial inspection because the icon's did not change size like you would expect them to do.

        I'm refering to the vray light 'radius' parameter. They were suddenly 2.2 meter or maybe it was 22meter wide lights instead of 22mm The icons for the lights did not indicate this, but the parameters roll out did. I had to delete all lights and create new ones.

        IES lights were also similarly broken.
        Last edited by werticus; 26-01-2011, 09:10 PM.


        • #5
          Hmmm, ok, thanks!

