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How can I retain a detailed rendering (displacement w/ diagonal surface)?

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  • How can I retain a detailed rendering (displacement w/ diagonal surface)?

    I am working on a render of a box with a displacement map to achieve a pimpled surface. I need the surface to be really detailed on every plane of the box.
    I achieved the detail on most of the sides of the box with a high rendering setting and a high resolution (although rendering times will be terrible; that will need some tweaking).

    The surface of one diagonal plane just doesn't come out at all and becomes one color in the rendering no matter what I do.

    Attached are region renderings at two different resolution and my settings. The Adaptive DMC sampler has a Min as well as Max subdivision setting of 7 and a Clr thresh of 0.01

    Thank you very much for your help!

    PS: I am sorry that this is my first post and I am starting with a problem. I`ll join in afterward - the more I make and know, the more I`ll share, promise
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!

    Could it be UVW mapping? What do you see if you apply a material with the displacement texture in the diffuse slot?
    Dan Brew


    • #3
      The mapping is ok and is properly displayed all over the box. When I take a different angle the side is rendered properly. That`s why this is so confusing.


      • #4
        Having a DMC min/max at the same value make it work like Fixed, from what I understand anyway. You might try lowering the min a bit.

        For the detail issue: it's hard to tell if it's lighting or a displacement issue. If you rotate your object 90 degrees to bring the problem side forward, does it look right or is it still too flat?
        Brett Simms


        • #5
          Also, check if it's due the filtering of the image you are using in the displacement map. You can try to set it to "None" in the Bitmap properties of the Displacement map, or disable filtering altogether from the scene in V-Ray render properties (uncheck "Filter maps" in Vray Global switches).


          • #6
            I unchecked the bitmap filtering as well as filtering in Global switches but it doesn't change. I upped the Adaptive DMC image sampler to min 7 and max 20 subdivisions. I raised the min samples of the DMC sampler to 20.
            Nothing would help.

            If I turn the problematic plane towards the camera, it renders just as the other sides.
            If I zoom in and render a close up, the displaced model comes out, although not very plastic (almost looks like a texture) (see up_2.jpg)

            I realised, I was talking about displacement mapping the whole time, but I was using bump!
            I put the map into the displacement slot and finally the plane rendered with a structure (see dis.jpeg).

            I am not sure yet if this is the way to go, since the whole box will look a little different with dis instead of bump, right?
            Also rendering times will be much slower...

            And I guess I have to really render a second image just for that plane, so I can get the detail as I want to...since right now the other sides look more or less ok but the lower plane is not really the as expected if you look at the other sides - do you know what I mean?
            This box is giving me a headache

            Thank you for your help so far! It is much appreciated.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              There is quite a difference with bump and displacement in terms of how well it works at grazing angles. You could simply render that part with displacement, but if you are trying to show any real detail overall then I would probably just render the whole thing with displacement: I tend to opt for quality over render time though.

              Brett Simms



              • #8
                Exactly. Remember bump mapping does not create geometry, so it's logical that it should not appear at grazing angle. In fact, bump mapping is a crude hack. It works only as long as you don't look too closely and it is much better at influencing reflections (since it perturbs the normals) than it is at creating the impression of relief (no self-shadowing). As soon as you need a degree of physical accuracy, as you would if you were doing product shots, you will need either to displace or even to actually model your details.
                Check my blog


                • #9
                  Humh, if u still have problem with that just use

                  Edit poly > Turbo smoth 5/6/7/8/9/10+ > Displace and do hard physical surface... yes it will have 10 mil polygons, it will be heavy but it will be perfect Then u can convert it to poly > and use proptimizer to optymize surface, run over night and have less poly in morning/keeping detail.

                  CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

         - come and look


                  • #10
                    Thank you all for the tips.
                    I thought displacement wasn`t as subtle as bump, i.e. if it`s a very fine geometry like this box that eventually should have a subtle paper-like feeling to it, displacement would be too ... displaced (too rough, too big). Maybe I have to tweak the dis map settings very subtly to reach what I want..Modeling the small bumps onto the box seems like a real pain since there are no automatic ways to do that, are there?

                    two questions:
                    1. as you can see in the picture I attached ( the brown box), the displacement at the front planes has the aimed form (round, relatively large bumps). But the surface of the angled planes is not as easy to understand. Does that have anything to with rendering settings or will I have to change the UVW mapping on these side to feature bigger maps as to make the form clear?
                    2. @DADAL: I don`t really understand what you are talking about, I`m sorry. I never made a displacement into real geometry. How do I do that?

                    Thanks again for your kind help!

