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Bug Or Expected Behavior? (Light Exclude)

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  • Bug Or Expected Behavior? (Light Exclude)

    When I exclude some of the objects from a light, it behaves normal with GI-off.
    The excluded objects render black as you can see in the attachment.

    But when I enable GI, the indirect lighting from this light illuminates the excluded objects too.
    Is this a bug or an expected behavior?
    If it is expected behavior how can I create the effect I want (indirect lighting of the specific light affecting only the included objects) ?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	noGI.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	52.0 KB
ID:	872665

    Click image for larger version

Name:	withGI.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.4 KB
ID:	872666
    for my blog and tutorials:

  • #2
    Not a bug - Just the way it works by default , but as usual, Vray has options to change all this

    Select your object/s


    Un-check the visible to GI check-box to exclude it from ALL GI calculations

    You can also leave the GI checked ON then control the individual recieving & generating of GI independantly as well



    • #3
      Originally posted by 3DMK View Post
      Not a bug - Just the way it works by default , but as usual, Vray has options to change all this

      Select your object/s


      Un-check the visible to GI check-box to exclude it from ALL GI calculations

      You can also leave the GI checked ON then control the individual recieving & generating of GI independantly as well

      Thanks for reply but this doesn't solve my problem because there are more than one light in the scene.
      If I make this, then it will exclude the object from all the lights GI and this is not what I want.
      In my actual scene, there are several lights.
      for my blog and tutorials:


      • #4
        I have a fix for this (will go into the next update too); if you need it sooner than that, please email me to

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          I have a fix for this (will go into the next update too); if you need it sooner than that, please email me to

          Best regards,
          Thank you- I sent you mail and I write here as well in case you don't see my mail.
          Looking forward for build with the fix.
          for my blog and tutorials:


          • #6
            Pls Vlado send me the fix.
            I still can't get any reply to my mail.
            for my blog and tutorials:


            • #7
              Sorry, got sidetracked into other issues; will try to get it to you tonight.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Hey Vlado, everyone,

                We've had a similar issue with our production. It's caused a bit of a problem for us because of how we have everything setup. I'm curious if the fix you have for pixela would help in our case too. We have a bunch of characters with light rigs linked up to them and set to only include the characters they are linked up to. In theory it should work fine, but we’ve had a lot of issues like the one pixela has illustrated below. They’re illuminating things they shouldn’t; about 80% of the time it’s not a big deal, but in a few scenes as we get into tight spaces it’s been causing some issues.

                I wonder if I could get some information from you, Vlado, on the fix you mentioned, and if I’d be able to get a copy of that fix too or if I could ask if there is any sort of ETA on when it’d make it into the main release of vray.

