playing around with vray toon.. using the physical camera its impossible to get white lines, as the exposure drops them down to a mid grey. thought i was being clever and added a vray colour map to the line colour and set the rgb multiplier to 20
the lines were then white, but also very aliased and seemingly much thicker, overpowering the whole image (which has a lot of detail in the distance) despite being set to 5mm thickness - at that scale they should be invisible way before the background.
i assumed this was because i had it pumped up so high.. way brighter than white hence overwhelming the dmc aa.
so i adjusted the multiplier till the lines came out light grey - this should - if i understand correctly- stop the aa system from getting overloaded and give me nice aa'ed lines as there was nothing super bright there.
however even with a low multiplier, the mapped lines are very aliased and... well... fat.
the lines were then white, but also very aliased and seemingly much thicker, overpowering the whole image (which has a lot of detail in the distance) despite being set to 5mm thickness - at that scale they should be invisible way before the background.
i assumed this was because i had it pumped up so high.. way brighter than white hence overwhelming the dmc aa.
so i adjusted the multiplier till the lines came out light grey - this should - if i understand correctly- stop the aa system from getting overloaded and give me nice aa'ed lines as there was nothing super bright there.
however even with a low multiplier, the mapped lines are very aliased and... well... fat.