Is there a way to not have the alpha component passed into the render element channels when exporting to EXR?
mme1_no-alpha.png is saved from the VBF as png but with no alpha, seperate the RGB channel is PS and you have full masks of you selected elements.
mme1_exr-alpa.png is saved from PS as it comes in from proEXR with the alpha component included in the render element which isn't always wanted (I'm not sure when it would be needed either?), therefore requiring additional steps to create a full mask.
Should there be a ignore alpha tick box in the render element section? (Should I had this to the wish list?)
I should also say that I would prefer to have the RGBA remain as is (with the alpha applied) just not the render elements.
mme1_no-alpha.png is saved from the VBF as png but with no alpha, seperate the RGB channel is PS and you have full masks of you selected elements.
mme1_exr-alpa.png is saved from PS as it comes in from proEXR with the alpha component included in the render element which isn't always wanted (I'm not sure when it would be needed either?), therefore requiring additional steps to create a full mask.
Should there be a ignore alpha tick box in the render element section? (Should I had this to the wish list?)
I should also say that I would prefer to have the RGBA remain as is (with the alpha applied) just not the render elements.