When I comp the render passes, it doesn't look like the straight render.
I tried testing this both with 32bit exr and 16bit tif images and I am sending the results below. Please disregard the 2.2 auto-gamma on exr that I didn't bother to change that because the compared straight render has the same correction too.
This is how I comped the passes:
Diffuse x VrayRawLighting
Diffuse x VrayRawGI
Exr- Comped Image

Exr- Straight Render

Tiff- Comped Image

Tiff- Straight Render

I tried testing this both with 32bit exr and 16bit tif images and I am sending the results below. Please disregard the 2.2 auto-gamma on exr that I didn't bother to change that because the compared straight render has the same correction too.
This is how I comped the passes:
Diffuse x VrayRawLighting
Diffuse x VrayRawGI
Exr- Comped Image
Exr- Straight Render
Tiff- Comped Image
Tiff- Straight Render