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Treat glossy rays as GI deep infos

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  • Treat glossy rays as GI deep infos

    Last days I was hard fighting with the notorious white dots issue (reflective caustics); after several attempts I tried to set the "Treat glossy rays as GI" as "Always" and they finally disappeared, that's fine!

    The strange thing is that I've the "Use LC for glossy rays" and "Retrace threshold" already checked so the white dots should be already gone away because, as far as I know, the first setting (the one inside the material) is a sort of local option for the second one so, at first, I excluded that option thinking it was someway redundant.

    Is there any VR user or Vlado that could give me an further explanation?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    The "Use light cache for glossy rays" by itself will not prevent the multiple glossy reflections that cause the dots, e.g. if a light is reflected in one object, and then in another, and then seen in the camera. This is because the light cache is only used for the diffuse part of the material, not for the reflections. The "Treat glossy rays as GI" solves this problem by preventing lights from being reflected multiple times in glossy reflections.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

