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GLARE and BLOOM dont get saved to VRIMG as separate render elements

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  • GLARE and BLOOM dont get saved to VRIMG as separate render elements

    Hi all,

    i thought that setting the vray lens effects to "render to element" works when saving to VRIMG
    clearly it doesnt.
    i could see it in VFB when i rendered preview, but in the saved huge resolution VRIMG, the element is pitch BLACK!!!
    i am really upset about this
    either its not saved withind VRIMG file, or its gets lost during the VRIMG2EXR conversion.
    is this a BUG?

    on another note....
    how do you comp the glare and bloom elements?

    Thanks a lot for help

    Best Regards

  • #2
    i thought that setting the vray lens effects to "render to element" works when saving to VRIMG clearly it doesnt.
    Nope, for the moment it doesn't work; the reason being that the .vrimg file is saved bucket by bucket as the rendering progresses, but the lens effects are computed *after* the image is rendered. I'll make a note to add this to the help page, and to add a warning in the V-Ray messages window.

    how do you comp the glare and bloom elements?
    You blend them with the original image.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      that means that large size renders computed through DR, have to be saved locally to EXR.
      and it also means i CANT send those jobs through backburner because of the DR/EXR render problem, when large EXR is not saved to network drive

      comping...obviously i blend them...the question was more about the blending mode...if ADD or SCREEN etc...


      • #4
        anyway, thanks for explanation update sounds like a good idea


        • #5
          Originally posted by PIXELBOX_SRO View Post
          comping...obviously i blend them...the question was more about the blending mode...if ADD or SCREEN etc...
          I don't know the math behind the photoshop modes, so I have no idea... you need a mode that does regular blend between two images - not addition, screen or whatever; just a mode with a number slider where 0 means only one layer, and 100 means the other, and 50 means half of the first and half of the second.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Is there any way to get the lens effects as a render element? I don't see it anywhere.


            • #7
              In the VRayLensEffects render element, you can set the "Mode" of the bloom and glare effects to "Image and render element" or "render element only".

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                What puzzles me is that is it nowhere to be found in the render element list. You get it as a channel in the VFB if set to element in its settings, but there is no actual element to add as one might expect.
                Signing out,


                • #9
                  the blending mode in Photoshop would be normal, I suppose.
                  Bobby Parker
                  phone: 2188206812

                  My current hardware setup:
                  • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                  • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                  • ​Windows 11 Pro


                  • #10
                    Currently we cant have both the blended RGB and unblended RGB when using lens effects.
                    The way Vray blends the lens effects into the RGB is different to what can be done in Photoshop, and it would be helpful to have the non-lens effect RGB saved as an element too. perhaps I should add this to a feature request?
                    Thanks in advance.
                    Immersive media - design and production


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      In the VRayLensEffects render element, you can set the "Mode" of the bloom and glare effects to "Image and render element" or "render element only".

                      Best regards,
                      i get the channels bloom, glare and source in composite exr from vray vfb, but bloom and glare channels are just black, am i missing something?


                      • #12

                        Vlado has posted a comment about this, just few post above:
                        Nope, for the moment it doesn't work; the reason being that the .vrimg file is saved bucket by bucket as the rendering progresses, but the lens effects are computed *after* the image is rendered. I'll make a note to add this to the help page, and to add a warning in the V-Ray messages window.
                        Tashko Zashev |
                        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                        • #13
                          ah yes, i saw that, i just wanted to confirm that this was still the case, thanks for doing so, sorry i'm really stressed out now

                          so i guess i could do a separate render as jpg or something and get the passes from there...


                          • #14
                            Yes, you can use both output options in V-Ray Frame buffer rollout, "V-ray raw image file" and "Save separate render ..." where for the second you can uncheck "Save RGB" and "Save Alpha" in order to save some space.
                            Tashko Zashev |
                            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                            • #15
                              sounds good, thanks for the help tashko

