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Multiple vray z-depth elements get dropped when rendering to vrimg and converting!

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  • Multiple vray z-depth elements get dropped when rendering to vrimg and converting!

    Heya Folks,

    Here's a bit of a dumb one for you. i've got a render setup where I have two different zdepth elements set to different values (even though it's float - comper has a setup he likes from a previous render of a less "deep" scene) and I was finding that when I converted from exr, it was dropping one of the elements. I was curious as to why nuke was reading the channel as depth and also not "VrayZdepth" as it was originally named. The lovely Thorsten had a look at it and using the -info part of vrmig2exr found that both channels were tagged with the same thing which might have written the second over the first. This is probably a totally stupid request since you can just use float to get any range but just as an fyi.



  • #2
    For the record, rending to .exr directly works basically. But then in nuke the channels end up in a layer called "other" as they are channels without a layer. Would be great if they could be saved as Renderelementname.Z instead.



    • #3
      Had something similar recently, I ran into a problem recently where I made 2 vray light select element with long names.
      vraylightselect_fume_fill_light_01 and vraylightselect_fume_fill_light_02
      Nuke seems to have a character limit on how it reads channels and it clipped of the version numbering at the end. When I loaded the layered exr into nuke it was only able to read one of the light selects.

