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Dark Corners When Pre-Calc

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  • Dark Corners When Pre-Calc

    When I render with Irradiance Map and Light Cache in Single Frame mode, my render looks fine. When I switch to Multiframe Incremental and render (every 10 frames out of 300) then switch to "From File", Im getting dark corners on everything as if I have turned on Ambient Occlusion, but its off.

    What can I do to prevent the look of Ambient Occlusion just because I've switched to Multiframe Incrememtal / From File? (No its not from vray dirt). Also rendering from one machine, no moving objects, physical camera.

    Im using Vray 2.1 Max 2012, most recent SP.

  • #2
    I solved it. Detailed Enhancement turned on was the problem. I think this is strange because I don't recall having this problem with detail enhancement turned on before on older versions of vray.


    • #3
      Has anyone else had this issue before? I want to use Detailed Enhancement in my final animation but it creates the dark corners. Any suggestions on solving this or am I doing it incorrectly?

