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Bump maps contributing to diffuse render element

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  • Bump maps contributing to diffuse render element

    Hey Guys,

    I shot Vlado an email about this but im wondering if anyone has similar issues? I noticed yesterday that when you apply bump maps to an object with any kind of reflection its changing the diffuse render element. I would have thought this is incorrect because bump is effectively shadow and light and should therefore be included in raw total lighting. If you where to multiply your raw total lighting by your diffuse you would effectively be adding bump twice. I have attached an RGB image and also its corresponding diffuse filter. As you may be able to see, theres a lot of bump information in it. The areas appearing black should have diffuse colour in them.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a default Vray shader with pure white reflection and fresnel turned on
    2. Add any standard 3ds max procedural texture to the bump map slot. It also happens with bitmaps.
    3. Check the VrayDiffuse render element. You will see that the bump mapping affects the diffuse colour.

    We are using Vray 2.0

    Can anyone explain this or am i missing something?



    Click image for larger version

Name:	Diffuse_Filter.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	297.6 KB
ID:	873270Click image for larger version

Name:	RGB.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	391.1 KB
ID:	873269
    Head of CGI
    TaylorJames - New York