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Splotchy GI

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  • Splotchy GI


    I have a little problem with current shot - it's a panorama view (night one, but same thing happens with a daylight shot). 6000x3000, vray settings attached. As you can see on RawGI Pass it's very splotchy, despite 100 Hsph subdivs and rather high tresholds. It is poorly lit as it's a night shot, but as I stated above nearly the same thing happens with bright daylight. The scene in both cases is lit with hdri (night and day), also there are curtains in several windows with standard vray mat and an output map in the opacity slot at 0.9 - I didn't spot any difference without them, however.

    Any ideas how to clean it up, before reverting to brute force?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	rawgi.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	200.9 KB
ID:	873301Click image for larger version

Name:	settings.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	509.4 KB
ID:	873302

  • #2
    I'm new to HDRI, but I wouldn't use HDRI's to illuminate your internal shots full stop, If you do, try using it with a Vray Light Dome and in the Texture slot insert the HDRI, and up the Sub Divs, but even then I'm guessing your going to have a hard time getting rid of the blotchyness.


    • #3
      It is used with Dome Light of course, forgot to mention that.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Karrde View Post
        despite 100 Hsph subdivs and rather high tresholds.
        hmmm attached settings screen shot shows it is only 2? Default of 50 should be fine (maybe 60). interp samples can be maybe 40
        in light cache try to tick "retrace threashold"

        also up the subdivs in your dome light. Maybe also put vray plane light in the window openings and set it to "skylight portal"
        Last edited by Morne; 06-09-2011, 04:06 AM.
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          It also says global subdivs multiplier on 50.
          I'm using this workflow: and it works very well overall. It's just this 6000x3000 panorama that is causing problems. Glossies, reflections and AO are pristine, it's just GI solution that cause problems. Retrace threshold might help, thanks. I could also double the subdivs on the dome light.
          Last edited by Karrde; 06-09-2011, 06:28 AM.


          • #6
            It looks like you just don't have enough light in the scene to get a good GI solution. All GI solutions have problems in low-light situations. Try increasing the amount of light in the room by the light multipliers or camera exposure and post your result.
            Colin Senner


            • #7
              Also, you appear to be using Linear Workflow, but aren't using "Don't affect colors" in the color mapping settings. Enable this if you are using LWF and gamma settings in MAX.
              Colin Senner

