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Exterior Animation -Day Time- Moving Objects and Camera - In the shadows...NOT GREAT

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  • #31
    Originally posted by super gnu View Post
    mm.. you can do it, rendering in chunks then using imapviewer to merge them together, but ive found it tends to create very heavy imaps as it doent seem to merge them efficiently.
    With regards to that, the irradiance map viewer for the new service pack has an "Incremental add" option, which will discard the redundant info when merging the maps, similar to the "incremental add" mode of V-Ray.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #32
      That's good to know, on another note, Vlado - I'm using AXYZ software for people, I've brought them into max, and I've turned them into Vray animated proxies. Super Gnu recommends a process where I turn the "use Irradiance" option off in the material editor for each person, problem is the AXYZ bring in A LOT of materials, so far 180 diff stacks, so takes me 15-20 mins to go through them and turn them all off...

      Is there a quick option that can be implemented to turn this off in one go? Like a bulk switch off? would be handy as I think I would use this type of process alot in the future, and I guess other people will too?



      • #33
        It is fairly easy to write a script for this... I could try to do that when I get a free minute.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #34
          Originally posted by JOAN_LORD View Post
          That's good to know, on another note, Vlado - I'm using AXYZ software for people, I've brought them into max, and I've turned them into Vray animated proxies. Super Gnu recommends a process where I turn the "use Irradiance" option off in the material editor for each person, problem is the AXYZ bring in A LOT of materials, so far 180 diff stacks, so takes me 15-20 mins to go through them and turn them all off...

          Is there a quick option that can be implemented to turn this off in one go? Like a bulk switch off? would be handy as I think I would use this type of process alot in the future, and I guess other people will too?

          I second this

          Using Anima at the moment, and it has 999 materials I think.


          • #35
            Give this a go - select all your animated objects and run:

            for i in selection do
            	try(i.material.option_useIrradMap = off)
            And if you want to stick it back on again, change off to on in the above.


            • #36
              Originally posted by joconnell View Post
              Give this a go - select all your animated objects and run:

              for i in selection do
              	try(i.material.option_useIrradMap = off)
              And if you want to stick it back on again, change off to on in the above.
              Just trying this now and I am getting

              -- Syntax error: at ), expected <factor>
              -- In line: )

              when running the script on a grouped car.

              any ideas?



              • #37
                Unticking the 'Use irradiance map' in materials after calculating the clean flythrough is a very nice trick, thx!

                Is there a script guru around that could make a script that works with groups and multi/sub materials to enable/disable the material setting 'Use irradiance map'?

                Edit: nevermind, found it: VMC (Vray Material Control) on ScriptSpot does the job perfectly!
                Last edited by ruud3dv; 22-01-2012, 04:08 AM.
                3DV - Ruud van Reenen


                • #38
                  how to mix bruteforce with the imap and lightcache?

                  hello SuperGNU. i think this method is interresting but I can only follow until turn off use irredience on human material, after that I really not know how to use those light map with bruteforce in one go.
                  My scene also contain of moving car with reflection on it, will this method work as well?


                  • #39
                    If you have already calculated the IM and LC for the animation without the moving objects. You need to set the IR to "From file" and set the secondary GI engine to None.
                    Then turn off the option called "Use irradiance map" in all of the animated objects materials and render.
                    This will force V-Ray to use the already calculated Irradiance map for the static geometry and BF for the moving ones.
                    Note that in this situation the BF subdivisions are controlled by the subdivisions of the IM.
                    Technical Support
                    Chaos Group


                    • #40
                      i think actually you need the lightcache loaded in the secondary bounce slot, since the irradiance map is calculated based on the lightcache.

                      - the brute force needs to be based on the same lightcache, otherwise the brute force objects will only have a primary bounce, and will come out much darker than the precalculated geometry that had both primary and secondary bounces calculated.

                      -and yes, it will work fine for cars or objects with reflections, this is one of the big advantages of doing it all in one pass like this.

                      the only other thing to note, is to make sure you have AO enabled in your gi settings. this will give you a nice contact shadow between the animated geometry and the static geometry. this will be missing from the lighting solution otherwise.
                      Last edited by super gnu; 04-06-2012, 07:44 AM.


                      • #41
                        Thanks. this is clear to me now. and I found that all mat. for anim object needed to be Vray , can't be standard mat.

                        Just wonder one thing. In this method , we have to separate material for anim object from statice object, right? So the option we turn off don't effect the static.


                        • #42
                          this is correct. all vray materials, and all specific to the moving objects.

