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Multiple UVW within poly object

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  • Multiple UVW within poly object

    I have a polyobject with a multi-sub object material applied. I want to align the mapping of some parts of the object in one way, and on other parts the UVW needs to align differently. I had assumed the way to do this was create a Composite map in the diffuse slot and copy 2 different versions of the map to each of the composit slots, then set the Map Channel of these copies to a different value.

    Then, on the polyobject I create 2 UVW Mapping modifiers and set one of them to Map Channel 1 and the other to Map Channel 2 and rotate the UVW Mapping gizmos accordingly. This doesn't seem to work though. I am using BerconTile maps in each of the Composite slots, so I am not sure if this has anything to do with it.

    How else (apart from splitting up the polyobject and creating copies of materials for each orientation) can I achieve this?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    i would do exactly as you proposed, just have a look at the mapping channels inside the bercon tile. i missed that once and had a hard time to figure out what i missed
    but im a bit unsure how the bercon tile behaves if it has the wrong map channel, when it turns to a black or a white it would corrupt your composite map solution. therefor i would make two identical materials but with the bercon tile on a different mapchannel, so you could exclude the unknown behavior of the bercon tile...
    best regards

    emoticom AG


    • #3
      I would use just normal maps and not composite maps in other words have your multisubobject mat, each with berconmap or whatever set to different channel havent checked with bercon, but this works very well with anything else (which I use almost on a daily basis)

      when I say "normal maps", I dont mean NORMAL maps. I mean standard plain diffuse with a bitmap or tile or whatever texture on it
      Kind Regards,

