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new 2.2 VFB maxscript functions ?

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  • new 2.2 VFB maxscript functions ?

    Hello Chaos Team & Vlado.

    well changelog says that there's new maxscript method for VFB management.

    I've looked on spot3d website, but with no luck.

    Can you give some additional info about that point ?

    thanks by advance, congrats for your great upgrade.
    Jérôme Prévost.
    SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.

  • #2
    They are the same as the MaxScript functions provided by the vfbmaxscript plugin that I posted a while ago:
    vrayVFBGetRegionEnabled() - return true or false depending on whether the
        V-Ray VFB render region option is enabled or not.
    vrayVFBGetRegion() - return an array with four integer elements, representing
        the pixel coordinates of the VFB render region (left, top, right, bottom).
        The left and top coordinates are included in the region, the right and
        bottom one are not.
    vrayVFBSetRegionEnabled <onOff> - turn on or off the VFB region render option.
        <onOff> is either true or false.
    vrayVFBSetRegion left top right botton - set the render region to the specified
    vrayVFBGetNumChannels - return the number of channels (render elements) in the
        V-Ray VFB. This will return 0 if the VFB is not initialized or does not
        store any data.
    vrayVFBGetChannelName i - return the name of the i-th channel. Indices start
        from 1.
    vrayVFBGetChannelType i - return the storage type of the i-th channel. Indices
        start from 1. The return value specifies the type of data for each pixel in
        the given channel:
          0 - the index is not valid or the VFB does not store an image;
          1 - a single floating-point number (this is used f.e. for the z-depth
          2 - three floating-point numbers (this is used for regular color
          3 - two floating-point numbers;
          4 - a single integer number (used f.e. by the render ID and material ID
          5 - three signed floating-point numbers (this is used f.e. for normals
              and world position channels).
    vrayVFBGetChannelAlias i - return the alias for the i-th channel. Indices start
        from 1. See the RegionChannelAlias enum in the file "pixelbuffer.h" from
        the V-Ray SDK.
    vrayVFBGetChannelBitmap i - return the contents of the specified channel as a
        3ds Max bitmap. Indices start from 1. This will return undefined if the
        channel index is not valid or the VFB does not contain any data.
    The V-Ray help index is also updated with the new functions.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by vlado; 23-12-2011, 06:10 AM.
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hello Vlado, thanks for your promp and complete answer.
      congrats for you 2.2 build.. RT have been greatly improved... run fine now with my gtx280 G3B and latest drivers.

      Hope Displacement will be included in next build

      Have a great christmas !:!
      Jérôme Prévost.
      SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


      • #4
        so there is no way to tick the srgb button via script?

        Jens Hedrich | CEO - Supervisor

        3deutig :: animation | visual effects |

