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Long "Open File" time ...

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  • Long "Open File" time ...


    I just installed last VRay 2.20.03 on 3dsmax 2012 x64.
    I have a strange problem: when I want to open a .max file, it takes about 3~4 minutes whereas with previous versions it took only some seconds (file is about 70 Mo) ! During this time, one of my 24 cpu core is 100% busy.
    Another very annoying problem is: I select a proxy object, I open the Material Editor (the compact one), I choose a MultiSubObject material, I click on the "Assign Material to Selection" button and ... I have to wait for several minutes for the material to be assigned to the proxy ! And, once again, one of my 24 cpu core is 100% busy.
    I never had such problems with previous VRay versions. In fact, I will re-install an older VRay version because I can not work with the latest one due to these problems.

    I really need your help: it would be very appreciated

    Thank you in advance

    Specs: Win 7 x64, GTX 580
    BOKEH Studio

  • #2
    I just switched back to VRay 2.10.01 and problems are gone. So, problems really seem to be caused by 2.20.03 version.
    BOKEH Studio


    • #3
      Can you get me the scene (or the proxy) that is causing these issues to so that we can fix them - this works fine in my simple tests, so apparently there is something specific in your case.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Thank you Vlado for the answer.
        I just sent you an email with the scene. This scene takes about 4 minutes to open here with VRay 2.20.03.
        BOKEH Studio


        • #5
          Still the same problem


          I had a big month full of work and now I have more time to come back again on my VRay problem: it hasn't been solved yet.
          Once again, I installed last 2.20.03 VRay version and I have the same problem: huge loading file times, huge VRay Proxy assigning material times ...

          Did you have the same problems when loading the scene I sent you by email on 02 February 2012 ?

          Please let me know,

          Thank you in advance for helping me,

          BOKEH Studio


          • #6
            ... And also: why does the VRay RT window seems to be locked on 390 x 450 pixels ... weird ... I just can't have it bigger than that.
            BOKEH Studio


            • #7
              The resolution of the ActiveShade window is set in the Render Setup dialog, when you choose the current renderer to be "ActiveShade".

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Thank you Vlado: I already knew that ActiveShade window size is set in the Render Setup Dialog box but it didn't work: whatever value I put in it, the window size stayed locked to 390 x 450.
                Nevertheless, and I don't know why, it works fine now, ActiveShade window is resizable. I noticed that my VRay RT version number is 2.20.02 and not 2.20.03: I don't know if it is normal or not. Maybe it has something to do with my problem ?

                Anyway, my biggest problem is the extremely long time for loading a scene (up to 7 time longer than 2.10 version !), and the extremely long time for assigning a material. It makes VRay 2.20.03 unusable for me.

                I always had VRay working fine with my machine until 2.20.03 update. When I switch back to 2.10 version, everything works fine again ... It is very frustrating and disappointing.

                Thank you for helping me.

                BOKEH Studio


                • #9
                  As I said before, I could not reproduce the same problem with your scene. Can you check if the same thing happens if you open the scene on another computer with that version of V-Ray installed? Also, do you have any network paths listed in the 3ds Max texture paths?

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    I don't have any network paths listed in the 3dsmax texture paths.
                    About checking if the problem occurs on another computer: it is not that I don't want to check it but, I am a one person visualisation studio and I always work on the same machine (and that is why I have no network paths listed in 3dsmax, I have only 2 machines and I don't even have a network, they are not connected).
                    I can check it if you think it makes sense but, even in the case everything works fine in the other computer, it won't solve my problem because I can not work with it: it is not my production workstation so ... I don't know ... Is there any test I can do to check if the installation is OK (well I had the message saying "installation successfull" but something is going wrong anyway). I unplugged my Internet connection, disabled my firewall (Look'n'Stop), disabled my AntiVirus (Kaspersky 2012) and deleted my host file, to ensure error free network connections inside 3dsmax and VRay but ... in vain, the problem remains.

                    Do you have an idea ?

                    Thank you again,
                    BOKEH Studio


                    • #11
                      In that case, can you try the following. Get Process Explorer from the Microsoft site at and run it; open your file, and while it is still working on it, go to the Process Explorer window, right-click on the 3dsmax.exe process, select Create Dump > Create Minidump, and send me the resulting .dmp file to - it will help me to figure out exactly what is going on at that moment.

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        I just sent you the email with the link for the mini dump (108 Mo, 11.1 Mo zip compressed).

                        Thank you
                        BOKEH Studio


                        • #13
                          MiniDump results ?

                          Hello Vlado,

                          Could you please tell if you had the mini dump or not so that I can send you the link in case you didn't have it yet.

                          Thank you,
                          Best regards

                          BOKEH Studio


                          • #14
                            Hello Vlado and thank you for your answer,

                            For other people maybe reading us, here is the mail you just sent to me when you received my 3dsmax mini-dump:

                            " Thanks; 3ds Max seems to be stuck processing bitmaps for the Nitrous viewport. I'm not sure why this takes such a long time for you (like I said it was a lot faster here). Can you tell me what is your graphics card and how much video RAM it has? Also, do you get the same issue with the DirectX viewport driver?

                            Best regards,
                            Vlado "

                            My graphic card is a Gainward GTX 580 "Phantom" (3 Gb RAM).
                            When I switch to Direct3D 9.0, problems are gone: it takes only a few seconds to load the file instead of 4 minutes.
                            Hope it helps you in your investigations.

                            Best regards,
                            BOKEH Studio


                            • #15
                              Same problem here, nitrous is a dog when it comes to opening files. I only use it for complex meshes such as topo/dense painted grass, which I will save select out of my scene. We are using Quadro 4000's too.. autodesk, get on it!

