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AA Problem With "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only"

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  • AA Problem With "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only"

    I can't get a good AA when there is a bright point near some lower value pixels. I tried everything including subpixel mapping and clamping output but only the workaround was to fake it in Photoshop for me.
    Today I discovered that AA problem mostly appears when "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" is checked.

    Below are 2 renders: for both of them
    subpixel mapping enabled
    exponential color mapping (so didnt enable clamp output)

    As you see below,
    The one with "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" has AA problems.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	01a.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	39.6 KB
ID:	874029Click image for larger version

Name:	02a.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	46.3 KB
ID:	874030
    for my blog and tutorials:

  • #2
    Normally clamping to 1 or slightly above one should fix this as the renderer has problems to sample proper if the difference between the pixels is too large. Works for me all the time.
    my HDRI and texture collection


    • #3
      Originally posted by pixela View Post
      As you see below, the one with "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" has AA problems.
      It's normal - the exponential color mapping and the subpixel mapping in the first case smooth out the AA, but if you don't apply them to the image (i.e. the "Don't affect colors" option is enabled), then obviously their effect is gone.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        It's normal - the exponential color mapping and the subpixel mapping in the first case smooth out the AA, but if you don't apply them to the image (i.e. the "Don't affect colors" option is enabled), then obviously their effect is gone.

        Best regards,
        I know "Don't affect colors" disables the effect of Type (Linear mult., Exp...), is also disabling the Sub pixel mapping effect?


        • #5
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          It's normal - the exponential color mapping and the subpixel mapping in the first case smooth out the AA, but if you don't apply them to the image (i.e. the "Don't affect colors" option is enabled), then obviously their effect is gone.

          Best regards,
          I didn't know that "Don't Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" cancels subpixel mapping or any kind of color mapping.
          Now I understand better.

          Does it also override enabling "Clamp Output = 3 (for example) ?
          for my blog and tutorials:


          • #6
            Originally posted by pixela View Post
            Does it also override enabling "Clamp Output = 3 (for example) ?
            No, clamping is not affected, just the color mapping itself. Clamping will still work.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Man... this explains so much. Been having weird issues with this and I thought I was going crazy.


              • #8
                maybe these options should be greyed out when "don't affect color" is checked


                • #9
                  Same here, never figured that one out and also thought I was a little nuts a few times...I also like the idea of greying out, as Alessandro suggested.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zeronove View Post
                    maybe these options should be greyed out when "don't affect color" is checked
                    Why should they? They still affect the way V-Ray performs adaptive sampling. This was the purpose for adding the "don't affect colors" option - people wanted the color mapping to affect the sampling (i.e. the noise levels), but not to influence the final colors.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      sorry, I probably misunderstood something but your lines above sounded different

                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      It's normal - the exponential color mapping and the subpixel mapping in the first case smooth out the AA, but if you don't apply them to the image (i.e. the "Don't affect colors" option is enabled), then obviously their effect is gone.

                      Best regards,
                      a further clearification could be useful because in the helpfile I can read:

                      Don't affect colors (adaptation only) - when this parameter is on, the color mapping will not be applied to the final image, however V-Ray will proceed with all its calculations as though color mapping is applied (e.g. the noise levels will be corrected accordingly). This can be useful, for example, if you know that you will apply some color correction to the image later on, but wish to keep the rendering itself in linear space for compositing purposes. Note that the Clamp output option will have an effect regardless of the value of the Don't affect colors option.

                      there is nothing that talks about subpixel mapping

                      that said, I understand that disable them it's not a good idea


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vlado View Post
                        Why should they? They still affect the way V-Ray performs adaptive sampling. This was the purpose for adding the "don't affect colors" option - people wanted the color mapping to affect the sampling (i.e. the noise levels), but not to influence the final colors.

                        Best regards,

                        So if I am understanding you, it's good for when we are rendering 32bit (say exr's) that we want to output at gamma 1.0 for the render elements, and do the corrections in post? (But the noise sampling knows that we are correcting in post.)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Deflaminis View Post
                          So if I am understanding you, it's good for when we are rendering 32bit (say exr's) that we want to output at gamma 1.0 for the render elements, and do the corrections in post? (But the noise sampling knows that we are correcting in post.)
                          Yes, this is correct.

                          Best regards,
                          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

