I can't get a good AA when there is a bright point near some lower value pixels. I tried everything including subpixel mapping and clamping output but only the workaround was to fake it in Photoshop for me.
Today I discovered that AA problem mostly appears when "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" is checked.
Below are 2 renders: for both of them
subpixel mapping enabled
exponential color mapping (so didnt enable clamp output)
As you see below,
The one with "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" has AA problems.

Today I discovered that AA problem mostly appears when "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" is checked.
Below are 2 renders: for both of them
subpixel mapping enabled
exponential color mapping (so didnt enable clamp output)
As you see below,
The one with "Dont Affect Colors-Adaptation Only" has AA problems.