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Max 2012 VRay 2.5 VFB Crashes and Openings

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  • Max 2012 VRay 2.5 VFB Crashes and Openings

    Is anyone getting the VFB on larger file-sized projects opening and closing, or not wanting to close at times?
    Sometimes the save dialog is slow to respond?
    I'm not sure if it's a Max, VRay, or Windows 7 issue.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

  • #2
    Yes, some users reported this. Nothing that we can do about it, but here are some things that may help:

    = Turning the Windows "Aero" theme on or off;
    = Turning off the "Progressive refinement" option for the Nitrous viewports;
    = Switching to DirectX viewports
    = Disabling the VFB (obviously )

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      vray 2.5 ?!


      • #4
        That number is gonna cause a whole world of hurt, Damnit Juju!


        • #5
          hehe.. i did a similar thing way back when.. i got accused of having a dodgy copy :P

          looking forward. to it.. as and when


          • #6
            You have a dodgy copy? could you send it to a hotmail account that isn't my hotmail account? Just to see if it's the same copy that I don't have?


            • #7
              ah i dont think youd want it.. i had a pre-release version of vray... mm.. 1.48something i was testing.. mentioned the number in a post and got a fairly demanding email from another betatester wanting to know how i got hold of a copy as it wasnt available.. hehe.. i said the lovely vlado gave it to me


              • #8
                Yeah tbh betas are all very well and good but the problem is not knowing what DOESN'T work in them rather than what does - for the hassle of changing a render farm over and though I'd probably get a lot of use from the exr saving tweaks and pflow bug fixes I'll be sticking with my stable release for the minute


                • #9
                  yep.. there was a time id have been straight on the email to vlado asking to sign me up to test whatever was in the lab, but actually, im 2 days away from a deadline, and.. well lets just say im gonna have a holiday as my next project.


                  • #10
                    Haha. Sorry guys my mistake. Vlado is going to feel the pain of my error here. I don't know what version I have I thought we were up to 2.5. What is it - 2.2? And no, no dodgy version:

                    a) I don't feel like being a beta tester to other people's problems - I don't get paid enough.
                    b) If I had dodgy, I wouldn't be able to post to this forum lol.
                    c) I'm getting old.
                    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

