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Vray Sampler Info

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  • Vray Sampler Info


    I have been trying to solve a problem im having using vraysampler info render element inside Eyeone Fusion to generate Volume Fog.

    Fusion requires a world position pass to work. I have been rendering out a point world position pass to 32 bit exr but it doesnt look right or work correctly inside of Fusion. It appears to look like the eye space pass rather than the world space pass.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	F62_WPP_Concept03_Compare.png
Views:	2
Size:	62.7 KB
ID:	874066

    Here is mine:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	vraysamplerinfo.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.4 KB
ID:	874067

    Does this look correct?

    Does anyone else use vray with fusion to generate volume fog? I was hoping it was goign to be a fast alternative to vray enviroment fog.

  • #2
    I think this looks correct. Of course you have to export your camera to fusion aswell. The Volume Fog needs it.
    It also seems to be able to only render fog where the WPP has information. So the "sky" in your picture wont get any fog. Maybe there's some trick to do that.
    Visualization | Animation | Compositing


    • #3
      ah yes i worked it out in the end.

      you need to switch the z and y around and invert the x as well in a boolean for the wpp going into the volume fog node.
      i was also missing a 3d camera and worked out that I needed to add a sphere in behind to get background fog as you said.

      thanks for you reply.
      im making a little step by step and file ill put here in case any would like to make use of this pretty useful tool!

