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Little Sparkles

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BKE View Post
    Thanks. That actually helps a lot! I have already run into issues caused by glass, and, while I do not like it, I have turned the glass off for interiors. Knowing that I can consistently get good exteriors from a blurred HDRI is enough info for me to give it another try. Do you have a rule of thumb for the threshhold for the resolution to eliminate the speckles?
    It varies from one scene to another, usually it's just more subdivs on the dome light if I'm going that route. The post below yours (above this one) by cubiclegangster might be worth a shot. Going to try it when I get home!


    • #17
      Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
      I've found that putting the hdri into a domelight and checking on 'store with irradiance map' solves this for me.
      Thanks for the advice - I will give it a try!

