I can't get it to work (with Hair&Fur).
Hair&Fur has applied VrayHairMtl (mr Parameters) and rendering mode is mr prim.
There is no mix between colors - only one color is taken.
Should I set Hair&Fur rendering mode to geometry? When I do so and apply VrayHairMtl to Hair&Fur object - max crashes.
sorry for my English
Random by strand index - blends between color A and color B randomly based on the index of each strand. This mode only works for Hair&Fur and VRayOrnatrixMod geometry (but not for VRayFur at the moment)
I can't get it to work (with Hair&Fur).
Hair&Fur has applied VrayHairMtl (mr Parameters) and rendering mode is mr prim.
There is no mix between colors - only one color is taken.
Should I set Hair&Fur rendering mode to geometry? When I do so and apply VrayHairMtl to Hair&Fur object - max crashes.
sorry for my English