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Vray Non Visible Proxy Rendering Issue

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  • Vray Non Visible Proxy Rendering Issue

    We are using VRay Proxy Trees and turning them Non-visible so they still cast shadows. When rendering we are noticing these black artifacts where the non-visible trees are. We usually just place the trees over them when we composite the footage, but we are noticing that vray seems to slow down when passing over them. Also these artifacts show up in all of our render elements like diffuse and raw reflection.

    Note, the building didn't render black, we just blacked it out for NDA purposes

    Has anyone had this issue and does anyone know a solution
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Post.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	306.7 KB
ID:	874103

  • #2
    To avoid the artifacts, increase the "max. transp. levels" setting in the V-Ray global switches rollout. You may be able to decrease render times a bit if you turn off the filtering for your opacity textures for the tree leaves.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Works great, and speeds up render time. Thanks!

