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Odd vraylight behaviour... adding noise/slowdown even when not affecting diffuse etc.

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  • Odd vraylight behaviour... adding noise/slowdown even when not affecting diffuse etc.

    I'm experimenting with a light setup where I'm using a max spotlight for the actual diffuse illumination, and a linked Vraylight for the reflection. In order to maximize realism I have 'affect specular' turned off for both lights so I'm just getting "real" reflections of my lights. Something odd seems to occur though:

    When I turn on the Vraylight, set to "affect reflection" only (cast shadows is off, affect diffuse/specular turned off) I can see the added reflection just fine, but it also makes the render darker, much noisier, and takes about 2X longer to render.

    I can actually get that same result even if I turn off 'affect reflection" too. That seems weird because at that point the light really shouldn't be doing anything, correct? If I turn off the Max spotlight then the Vraylight renders a black scene - so in theory it's not doing very much at least.

    This happens if the Vray light is textured or not (in this case I definitely want it textured). Turning off 'affect caustics' and 'affect diffuse' in the Vray Properties of the light also made no difference. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

    As an alternative approach I tried make the reflecting plane with a plane and Vraylightmaterial, but the VRLightMtl is not useful because I cannot set it to affect reflect only (think this was requested before, and I seem to remember it went on the to-do list?) So I can get a decent reflection that way that does not cause problems, but then the VRLMaterial is contributing to the light too much and causes other issues.
    Brett Simms

  • #2
    That's odd; do you have an example?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      yes, I emailed you two scene files yesterday showing this problem and a related one. Should I resend?

      Brett Simms


      • #4
        I got it yes, I didn't realize it was the same issue at first.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

