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Multiple VrayEnvironmentFog crash - any plans on fix soon?

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  • Multiple VrayEnvironmentFog crash - any plans on fix soon?

    I've reported this bug/crash before, but I'm curious if there are any plans on fixing it soon because I have pretty cool ideas involving multiple VrayEnvironmentFogs.
    The bug happens when you add two VrayEnvironmentFog to the same scene, and try to assign gizmos to either of them.

  • #2
    Could you specify the exact V-Ray and 3DS Max versions you are using, because we can not reproduce it with the last stable build.
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I'm definitely not using the latest stable build. Let me try and update and see if it solves this issue for me!



      • #4
        Unfortunately the bug still remains even with the latest stable build (vray_adv_22003_max2012_x64_20633).
        To replicate this bug, do the following:
        • Create an empty scene
        • Create two Atmospheric Gizmos (under Atmospheric Apparatus)
        • Add two VrayEnvironmentFog (under Environment and Effects)
        • Start adding the first Atmospheric gizmo to the first VrayEnvironmentalFog (under VrayEnvironmentFog Nodes)
        • Add the second Atmospheric gizmo to the second VrayEnvironmentFog

        Now when adding the second gizmo things are starting to go crazy. Either a crash takes place immediately, or you will only see the first gizmo being added to the second VrayEnvironmentFog which is wrong, and once you try a second time to add the second gizmo 3ds max crashes. Sometimes it works as long as you disable either of the VrayEnvironmentFog, but it seems to be random whether this works or not.

        In any case the whole point is to be able two have two or more (unique) VrayEnvironmentFog in the same scene. As for now I'm not able to have that due to what appears to be a bug.
        I would love to be able to have multiple volumetric effects with unique settings in my scene.
        Last edited by Swahn_Kung; 25-04-2012, 05:44 AM.


        • #5
          I have not merged the fix to the stable build yet, it's fixed only in the nightly builds.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Thanks. I assume I'll find it in the readme file once the fix turns into a stable release.


            • #7
              Yep. It's actually there already for the today's build.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Thank you Vlado! vray_adv_22003_max2012_x64_20779 solved it!

