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Store with irradiance map = No specular?

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  • Store with irradiance map = No specular?

    Hello, I'm making a basic material stage and I've noticed that when I use store with irradiance map, I get reflections (via HDRI) but no specular highlights on my materials. (Or maybe it's spec but not reflections.)

    Is this normal? I'm a bit stumped. I've tried with both BF and LC as secondary bounce engine but no luck.

    I was originally using it to get around the reflection reflections (little speckly dots everywhere) but the end result here is less than pleasing due to the lack of those highlights. Here are two images, one with "store with irradiance map" off, and one with it on. (No speckles because my HDRI is off)

    The only difference between these two images is that one setting clicked on/off on the key and rim light. No environment light here, no hdri, nothing. Just two lights and a setting...

    Maybe I don't understand what this light function really does. (Likely.)
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    Last edited by Deflaminis; 07-05-2012, 04:47 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Deflaminis View Post
    Is this normal?
    Yes, I think it's mentioned in the docs as well. Only the diffuse illumination is stored in the irradiance map.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Ah I was getting my info directly from spot3d, but only from the VrayMtl description. So maybe I missed it...

      So if it stores only the diffuse illumination, how do we get those missing highlights back? Bake the irradiance, then turn off "store with irradiance map" for the final animation or w/e?


      • #4
        either create a second fake pass or might as well render without stored irmap all the way...

