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Opacity, minimum distance for view throw objects?

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  • Opacity, minimum distance for view throw objects?


    I have one simple box with Diffuse+Opacity map, behind this are some other boxes with white and red VrayMtl (at 0.108m distance, System units: m), when rendering these are invisible, here the video showing my issue.

    Other boxes at more distance are viewable (green and white) so i assume there is a minimum distance? if yes, can i change this?


  • #2
    try changing the box with opacity to a single plane. Looks like the objects not showing up might have 'visible to reflection/refraction' turned off too.


    • #3
      Thanks, tried with Plane and same result, the Visible to rfl/rfr are on...

      Strange, same behaviour with glass (see attached image)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	glass.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	73.4 KB
ID:	845564

      EDITED 1: Mmm...its related with a saved Preset (draft render settings, but nothing special, Environ ON, LC 100, IRR VeryLow, Adap. Amount 1, Adap. Subd....)

      EDITED 2: Got it!! it was the "Secondary rays bias", under Raytracing (Global Sw tab), i saved the Preset with this at 1.0 (doing test with overlapped geometry), and dont know why but this is the reason, putting back to 0.0 or fine!!
      Last edited by peprgb; 24-05-2012, 11:06 AM. Reason: Solution found

