We are having issues with VRay 2.20 and the target distance on VRayPhysCam.
We are re-creating shots in reality for a composite photoshoot. Because of the sensitive nature of the work, I'm using another file to illustrate the problem.
We are test shooting with a Cannon with known lens sizes of 18mm, 28mm, and 50mm. So we recreate our 3d in reality and everything is crazy off.
So we checked and the problem is the "target distance". It changes the composition completely. Here is the target distance at 24cm
Here's the renders with the target distance at 24cm, and 7cm


Here are the screenshots of my viewport:


We are under the impression this is a bug. If it's not, how can we correctly recreate our scene in reality if changing the target distance changes the composition so much? Thanks for your replies.
We are re-creating shots in reality for a composite photoshoot. Because of the sensitive nature of the work, I'm using another file to illustrate the problem.
We are test shooting with a Cannon with known lens sizes of 18mm, 28mm, and 50mm. So we recreate our 3d in reality and everything is crazy off.
So we checked and the problem is the "target distance". It changes the composition completely. Here is the target distance at 24cm
Here's the renders with the target distance at 24cm, and 7cm
Here are the screenshots of my viewport:
We are under the impression this is a bug. If it's not, how can we correctly recreate our scene in reality if changing the target distance changes the composition so much? Thanks for your replies.